Board of Directors

The Board maintains a minimum of 10 directors, comprising the Chairman and Senior Management representatives from MOE, ITE, CDAC, MENDAKI and SINDA. There are also representatives from a range of industries such as Hospitality, Retail, Engineering and Healthcare or other fields which may not be related to the school's vocational education programmes. The school Principal is the honorary secretary.
Annually, the Board reviews its composition and directors' involvement in sub-committees such as the Finance Committee and Audit and Risk Committee. Board members may also be designated members who work with school staff on areas such as Appointment & Nomination, Programme & Services, and Human Resource.
Please refer to the following document for the terms of reference of the Board and sub-committees: Terms of Reference
There is a term limit of 9 years (i.e. 3 terms x 3 years) for the Chairman. The Chairman cannot continue to serve in the Board after stepping down.
There is a term limit of 9 years (3 terms x 3 years) for Members. This can be extended to up to 12 years (4 terms) with Chairman & MOE's approval.
There is a term limit of 4 years for the Treasurer i.e. Chairman/Finance Committee.
Once in 3 years, the Board Chairman BOD and Principal will initiate the process of renewal for the next term of office. The current 3-year term of office started on 1 June 2021.
Inputs for new members are sought from Board members. All nominations are submitted to ITE and MOE for approval. The Chairman and Principal meet with all prospective/new Board members to provide them with the necessary background information on the school and the Board.
Once in 3 years, the Board formally conducts self-evaluation of areas such as its contributions and effectiveness. The last self-evaluation was done in May 2023.
Please refer to the following document for the policy on conflict of interest for Board members and key staff: Conflict of Interest